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Luminaires in a new shine

Renovating Existing Luminaires

Are your historical, high-quality luminaires showing their age and suffering from weather damage or collisions? We can restore the exterior of these luminaires to new splendour and equip them with future-proof technology on the inside.

Modernizing Lighting Technology

We completely renovated and upgraded 160 Robers lantern-type luminaires for the historic old town of Bad Aibling. The designers opted for LED technology combined with gold-coated aluminum reflector mirrors. The fixtures were sandblasted and repainted. We replaced the original structured glass with clear, impact-resistant PMMA. The lanterns provide warm light while simultaneously reducing light pollution.

Restoring Luminaire Housings

For the city of Kehlheim, the luminaires housings were stripped down and replaced with new LED lighting technology. Additionally, they were sandblasted, repainted, and all damaged or aging components were replaced and renovated.