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Bronze Fixtures on Sylt – Our Classics

Bronze Defies the Times

A defining feature of Sylt is the bronze fixture Rosenheim. Its design draws inspiration from lighthouse motifs and has become an integral part of Sylter architecture. In 1989, the then head of the building department was searching for a streetlight that could withstand the island’s harsh climate, characterized by wind, saltwater, and sand. What is good for maritime navigation has also proven effective in Sylt: a fixture made of solid, seawater-resistant bronze.

Retrofitting to LED Technology

In 2012, the municipality of Kampen on Sylt became the first municipality in Germany to completely retrofit its street lighting to energy-saving LED technology. This was made possible because all 445 streetlights in the municipality were produced by the Bergmeister Leuchten manufactory. Following Kampen, the lights in other Sylter municipalities were also gradually converted to LED. Sylt has taken a consistent approach not only in implementing a new technology but also in its design intent: the street sections flanked by Bergmeister Leuchten create a harmonious overall appearance.

More information on the bronze pole lights in Sylt